Technical notes

Technical Notes
The Clay Brick Association of Canada (CBAC) has prepared Tech Notes Canada, which make reference to Canadian Building Codes and Standards.
For your convenience, responses to some Frequently Asked Questions have been provided in the FAQ section of our website.
The members of CBAC are also members of The Brick Industry Association (BIA) based in Reston, Virginia. CBAC recommends that the BIA’s comprehensive Technical Notes be used as additional reference material.

Genuine Clay Brick: A Home Owner’s Guide
This CBAC brochure outlines the benefits of clay brick construction for home owners

Clay Brick – natural sustainability in design and construction
The building and construction industry uses three billion tons of raw materials annually

Masonry Canada News Bulletin
This technical bulletin about Canada’s building science research results that further reinforce the quality, durability and value of clay brick products in Canadian buildings

Fungal Mould Resistance Testing
This technical bulletin about Canada’s latest building science research results that reinforce the quality, durability and value of masonry products in Canadian buildings.

Clay Brick Walls for Slapshot Insurance
“Impact resistance” with regard to construction means the ability of building materials to resist repetitive contact or accidental impact without damage.

Masonry Walls That Resist Bullet Penetration
Masonry structures, by their robust nature, convey a feeling of security. Hence, it is probably by no coincidence that many correctional institutions, law enforcement facilities, and government buildings are effectively constructed with different types of masonry.

The One Time You Want Cavities
While a cavity in your tooth is the result of decay, the cavity of a Clay brick rainscreen wall actually prevents decay.

Design Detail for Brick Veneer over Garage Doors
Clay brick veneer (75 or 90mm wide) is frequently installed on steel angles above garage doors. There is some provision for this in the National Building Code but the span required for a double wide garage door exceeds the table in article